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Crowdfunding: Advising Creative Clients on Underlying Legal & Business Issues
[1.5 hours California MCLE credit available*]
Program Description:
Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular and accessible way to finance a variety of creative endeavors-films, albums, novels, art installations. This program aims to provide a foundation in some of the most common areas that legal practitioners may encounter as more clients seek advice about crowdfunded projects in the arts and entertainment arenas. Some of the topics to be covered include the evolution from traditional financing structures to the current legal framework for crowdfunding and the considerations involved in advising clients about equity and rewards crowdfunding models and platforms. They will conclude with their views about the future of arts and entertainment crowdfunding in the United States.
Lisa Callif - Lisa Callif is a partner at the entertainment law firm, Donaldson + Callif, LLP. She was named by the Daily Journal as one of the Top 100 Women Lawyers in 2014 and by Variety as one of The Best and The Brightest in 2011. Her primary focus is on representing independent filmmakers in all aspects of their moviemaking, including development, production, and distribution.
David N. Sharifi - David N. Sharifi is principal and founder of L.A. Tech & Media Law, an intellectual property and technology law firm that focuses on entertainment and startup issues and trademark protection. David applies a blend of intellectual property and business strategies, market analysis, and contract negotiation to advise clients in deal making, development, and competitive advantage. In 2014 David was recognized as one of the Top 30 Most Influential Attorneys in Digital Media and E-Commerce Law by the Los Angeles Business Journal, and has been interviewed by ABC World News Tonight and KTLA-TV News as a legal expert in technology and new media law.
Shahrokh Sheik - Shahrokh Sheik is a partner at Kramer Holcomb Sheik LLP based in Century City. Shahrokh specializes in corporate and intellectual property transactions with a focus on trademark and entertainment industry matters. He assists clients ranging from producers, production companies, writers and directors in connection with development, financing, production and distribution of film and television content, as well as startup and ongoing businesses with formation, financing and general corporate transaction and litigation.
Andrew Turney (Moderator) - Andrew T. Turney is a partner in the law firm of McDermott Will & Emery LLP and is based in the Firm’s Los Angeles office. He focuses his practice on the areas of corporate securities, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance and finance, as well as assisting clients with commercial contracts and transactions. Andrew represents a wide range of clients in connection with private and public company mergers and acquisitions, equity offerings, debt offerings, commercial finance transactions, venture financings, special committee representations and general corporate matters. Andrew currently serves on the Board of Directors of California Lawyers for the Arts.
Parking available on street and in nearby public lot.
*CLA is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider. This program qualifies for 1.5 hours of general MCLE credit and zero hours of Legal Ethics, Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession and Prevention, Detection or Treatment of Substance Abuse credit. This event may meet the requirements for continuing legal education credits in other states. Please check with the bar in the state in which you are seeking credits to determine if this event is eligible.
These seminars are made possible, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs. Additional support provided by the California Arts Council.